JSX Integrations
Editor Integrations
- Sublime Text: babel-sublime: Snippets, syntax highlighting and optimized color schemes for Sublime Text
- Atom: language-babel Support for es2016, JSX and Flow.
- Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code supports JSX directly.
- JetBrains WebStorm: Syntax highlighting, code completion, error detection for JSX
- JetBrains IDE Live Templates: React live templates for JetBrains editors (e.g. WebStorm, PHPStorm, etc.)
- javascript-jsx.tmbundle Syntax for TextMate
- web-mode.el: An autonomous emacs major mode that indents and highlights JSX. No support for Automatic Semicolon Insertion.
- vim-jsx: Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX
Build Tools
- Create React App: An officially supported way to create React apps with no configuration.
- nwb: A toolkit for React, Preact & Inferno apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
- Neutrino: Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. Neutrino combines the power of webpack with the simplicity of presets.
- ESLint: A pluggable JavaScript linter that natively supports JSX syntax. Be sure to download eslint-plugin-react for React-specific rules.
- Structor: This tool is a user interface builder for node.js Web applications with React UI. Structor replaces the now deprecated React UI Builder. Watch Structor Video Tutorials
- react-jsx: Compile and use JSX as stand-alone templates that can run server-side and client side!
- cjsx-codemod: Write JSX code within Coffeescript!
- ReactScript: Write React code within Coffeescript without JSX!
- jsxhint: JSHint (linting) support. (JSX compilation doesn’t affect line numbers so lint can also be run directly on the compiled JS.)
- reactify: Browserify transform.
- Babel: Standalone & Browserify transform (formerly known as 6to5).
- node-jsx: Native Node support.
- react-hot-loader: Loader for webpack that lets you edit JSX and have changes appear immediately in the browser without reloading the page.
- jsx-loader: Loader for webpack.
- express-jsxtransform: Middleware for Express.
- gradle-react-plugin: Transform jsx sources during a gradle build.
- grunt-react: GruntJS task.
- gulp-react: GulpJS plugin.
- brunch-react: Brunch plugin.
- jsx-requirejs-plugin: RequireJS plugin.
- react-meteor: Meteor plugin.
- pyReact: Python bridge to JSX.
- react-rails: Ruby gem for using JSX with Ruby on Rails.
- react-laravel: PHP package for using ReactJS with Laravel.
- ReactJS.NET: .NET library for React and JSX.
- sbt-reactjs SBT/Play/Scala JSX compiler plugin
- mimosa-react: Mimosa plugin.
- react-grails-asset-pipeline: Assets for react and precompilation of jsx files in Grails.
- gore-gulp: Wrapper around webpack, eslint, mocha for ease of use and zero configuration.
- webpack: Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jade, coffee, css, less, … and your custom stuff.
- webpack-bbq: transform your src to lib, supports server rendering and static rendering.
- jsxtransformer: Compile pipeline for jsx files in Java
- babylon-jsx: Transform JSX to ES2015 with babylon sans babel
- CRA Universal CLI - A simple CLI to create and build Express server for your create-react-app projects, featuring Server-side rendering and Code-splitting.